Meeting Minutes
Why is it important for businesses to track meeting minutes?
Taking meeting minutes is important for documenting meeting details, such as what the group discussed, reviewed reports, proposed activities and/or topics for future meetings. These meeting details allow those in attendance to recall important information and prepare for upcoming meetings. While also allowing those who couldn't attend, access to the businesses updates discussed.
Documenting meeting minutes is also useful in tracking company progress, hence Project Eucalyptus’ oversight. We may review reports and project progress to identify areas to optimize work processes, key points, strengths, and weaknesses of particular project tasks. Meeting minutes give us the opportunity to reflect and compare with previous meetings. Minutes also serve as time-stamped documentation where we can track who leads projects and maintain team accountability.
The Shea Center Meeting Minutes
Meeting Name/Focus: Team Meeting
Date: Friday, January 19, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM -12:30 PM
In Attendance: Alecia Mosley, Ashley Wilson, Jada Martin, Katie Taylor
Hours, Clock-Ins
Final Evals
Ashley 2, Katie 5, cap
Group Feedback on clients
Katie & Ashley, survey draft of 25 qualitative research questions due by Feb 15
Topic: Current client’s processes of access to treatment in KY
Social Media
Content contribution calendar posted in the portal
Shea Day
Attend a health and wellness event by March 1
Budget review
Meeting Name/Focus: Team Meeting
Date: Friday, January 5, 2024
Time: 11:30 AM -12:30 PM
In Attendance: Alecia Mosley, Ashley Wilson, Sarah Hargan, Katie Taylor
Agenda: NEW YEAR Check-In
Alecia's schedule change, Admin Fridays
Moved Ashley to 10 am Fri Sup and Katie still at 1p Fri Sup
Keep Sarah on Tues 2p Sup
Hours/clock-ins resume week of 1/8
Students full-time hours resume week of 1/8
Clinical and CM Status Updates
Reviewed Project Statuses
Shea Day updates + vendors w/goods, food truck raffle
Overall practice focuses/updates: PT Clinician onboarding started, credentialing service rollout begins Jan, contractor bidding for sound issues, once the sound issue is resolved, 1099 recruitment begins
Action Plan:
Shea Day Meeting 1/12 at 3:30pm
Find space for Katie to participate in Shea Day planning
Reach out to Red Cross again
Resolve sound insulation issue
Train Sarah on Project Fig
CareSource task
Credentialing Rollout
Update Shea Day budget
F/u w/ accountant and investors
3. Meeting Name/Focus: Team Meeting
Date: Friday, October 13, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM -12:30 AM
In Attendance: Alecia Mosley, Jada Martin, Ashley Wilson, Sarah Hargan, Sara Crockett, Katie Taylor, Erica Toney
Agenda: Practicum Project Updates
1. Project Fig- Ashely W has created a training document that describes more info about project fig.
2. Project Mango- Katie T has contacted 3 inner city schools with elementary students who have experienced trauma and grief.
3. Project Baobab- Sara C has created a threads account for the Shea Center and has begun boosting our platform and engagement.
4. Project Eucalyptus- Sarah H has created a survey to give to clients to gather data and gain feedback about the Shea Centers clinical practice.
Action Plan:
· Implement more clinical activities for practicum students. I.E., videos to watch, notes to read, trainings to attend, and schedule supervised sessions.
· Therapy Fundamentals w/ Erica (rescheduled for Thursday, 10/19/23 at 11a.m.
· Project Fact Sheet: Prepare a fact sheet on your project placement.
· Research at least 2 other events the shea center can get involved with by participating in or assisting the event.
· Send Sara C any ideas or interests you may like to have posted on Shea Centers social media.
· Look for local businesses to help out with the event and workshop. Preferably holistic mental health services.
Implement updated student marketing plan via Project Baobab
Commit 2-4 hours/week to Fundraising/Grant work
Send Katie giftcard for a headshot
Schedule 2nd photo session in October 2023, to include Sara Crockett, and Sarah Hargan, and a backdrop for staff interested in full-body and group shots
4. Meeting Name/Focus: Administrative Team Meeting
Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Time: 3 - 4:30 pm
In Attendance: Alecia Mosley, Erica Toney, Jeremiah Bell
Agenda + Action Plan:
Practice operations updates:
Project Fig processes review
Waitlist + portal completion, want Jada’s input before implementation
Practicum Program updates:
Erica is assisting with the next Shea exercise
Need project status update, email sent to the team
Erica is receptive to recording intakes for students
Alecia to check written consent form and obtain verbal consent from client prior to Friday’s intakes
4. Erica billing review, completed employment verification letter
5. Jeremiah and Alecia to schedule two more admin meetings to prep for Investment Pitch Sunday, Oct 9 at 9am
Additional Action Plans:
Implement updated student marketing plan via Project Baobab
Commit 2-4 hours/week to Fundraising/Grant work
Update website with new photos
Send Katie gift card for headshot
Schedule 2nd photo session in October 2023, to include Sara Crockett, and Sarah Hargan, and a backdrop for staff interested in full-body and group shots
5. Meeting Name/Focus: Team Meeting
Date: Friday, September 15, 2023
Time: 1 - 3pm
In Attendance: Alecia Mosley, Erica Toney, Jada Martin, Ashley Wilson, Jeremiah Bell
Agenda: Headshot Photo Session, CEO Introduction
Action Plan:
Update website with new photos
Send Katie gift card for headshot
Schedule 2nd photo session in October 2023, to include Sara Crockett, and Sarah Hargan, and a backdrop for staff interested in full-body and group shots